How Real Estate Debt Funds Work

How Do Real Estate Debt Funds Work?

April 5, 2024

Produced by:
Carmel Woodman

With over 8 years of expertise, Carmel brings a wealth of knowledge as the former Content Manager at a prominent online real estate platform. As a seasoned ghostwriter, she has crafted multiple in-depth Property Guides, exploring topics such as real estate acquisition and financing. Her portfolio boasts 200+ articles covering diverse real estate subjects, ranging from blockchain to market trends and investment strategies.

Reviewed by:
Richard Stevens

Richard Stevens is an active real estate investor with over 8 years of industry experience. He specializes in researching topics that appeal to real estate investors and building calculators that can help property investors understand the expected costs and returns when executing real estate deals.

The Short Answer

Real estate debt funds provide investors with a convenient pathway to participate in the real estate market without the need for direct property ownership. These funds pool capital from investors, which is then deployed to finance various real estate projects, including property acquisitions, developments, and renovations. In return, investors receive income in the form of interest payments and may benefit from capital appreciation as the value of underlying properties increases.

While real estate debt funds offer several advantages, including portfolio diversification and steady income, investors should be aware of potential risks, such as market volatility, borrower defaults, and interest rate fluctuations. Conducting thorough due diligence on the fund’s track record, investment strategy, fees, and risk management practices is essential to selecting the right debt fund that aligns with one’s investment objectives and risk tolerance.

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What Is A Real Estate Debt Fund?

At its core, a real estate debt fund is an accessible way to invest in real estate without having to purchase a property. Investors will pool their funds, to provide financing for real estate projects done by real estate developers, homeowners or other real estate professionals and they will receive a return on this investment.

The capital raised by real estate debt funds is used to originate loans secured by real estate assets. These loans can take different forms, such as senior debt, mezzanine debt, or bridge loans, depending on the risk profile of the underlying projects and the investment strategy of the fund. Importantly, the interest rates assigned to these loans generates tangible income, allowing fund investors to receive regular payouts.

Real estate debt fund managers will oversee the operations of the fund by taking care of the underwriting of loans, the portfolio management and distribution of returns to investors regularly. These loans are collateralized by the underlying real estate assets, which secures the loan and provides peace of mind for real estate investors.

real estate debt fund

How Do Real Estate Debt Funds Deliver Returns To Investors?

The returns that are generated from real estate debt funds are distributed to investors at specific periods and are delivered as interest payments and potential capital appreciation. The interest returns are based on the interest that is charged on the loan capital and are typically relatively high (in many cases over 8% annually). These returns are paid out more regularly, usually monthly or quarterly, however the frequency of the distribution of these returns to investors depends on the fund.

In addition to interest payments, investors can receive capital appreciation returns which are based on the value of the underlying property appreciating over time. These returns are not paid out in regular intervals as they can only be realized when the loans are repaid or when the underlying properties are sold or refinanced at a higher valuation.

Returns can also be delivered from origination fees and other fees charged by the real estate debt fund. These can be delivered as returns upfront or amortized over the lifetime of the loan and delivered at the end.

There are also returns that can be delivered at the end of the loan term or upon the sale or refinancing of the underlying properties. These returns provide investors with a proportional amount based on how much they invested in the fund.

Real estate debt investing

What Are The Benefits of Real Estate Debt Funds?

Real estate debt funds can provide a successful investment opportunity for many, with the following advantages:

  • Portfolio diversification: Investing in real estate debt funds allows investors to branch out into different types of real estate investments than they would’ve been able to with traditional equity investments, for example construction loans. This is a good way to spread and therefore lower risk on an investment portfolio.
  • Greater accessibility: Real estate debt funds are easier to access than many other real estate investments. This is because there is no large purchase that needs to be made, and investors don’t have to provide as much capital upfront to invest. It also allows investors to be hands-off and let the fund manager deal with the operations of the investments.
  • Steady income: Real estate debt funds provide higher returns for investors and these are typically paid out monthly or quarterly. This allows investors to generate returns on a regular basis, without having to actively manage any projects themselves. The stable, steady income that real estate debt funds offer, is an attractive option for many investors.
  • Asset backing: Loans originated by real estate debt funds are secured by the real estate assets themselves, which means that there is less risk for investors of borrowers, such as commercial real estate borrowers, cannot repay their loans. Quite simply, if the prospective real estate buyers who are borrowing money cannot pay back the loan, then the property belongs to the lender and they can recoup their losses by selling it.
Real estate debt funds

What Are The Disadvantages of Real Estate Debt Funds?

While real estate debt funds provide a great opportunity for investors to get involved in real estate, they also have some drawbacks that are worth considering.

  • Market changes: The real estate market can be volatile, and these changes can impact the fund, which in turn impacts investor returns. Economic downturns, for example, can negatively impact the value and liquidity of the real estate assets within the fund. In turn, this can impact the returns that investors will receive.
  • Borrower defaults: While real estate debt funds use the property as collateral, they carry a credit risk. Borrowers, for example commercial real estate borrowers, who default on their loans, or major project delays can create potential losses for fund investors.
  • Interest rate shifts: Changes in the interest rate can impact the returns that investors receive from the fund. Any shifts in the interest rate will impact the cost of borrowing, and therefore the returns generated by the fund. As such, the fund is at the mercy of factors like changes to the interest rate as these can compress margins and lead to changes in the fund’s performance.
Real estate debt funds

Are Debt Funds Considered 'Risky'?

Given the fact that real estate debt funds are secured by real estate assets, they are not considered high risk. The fund manager can usually recoup their losses, in the event of a borrower defaulting on their loan, by taking over the property and selling it. However, they do come with a certain amount of risk, which is important for investors to be aware of when entering the world of real estate debt investing.

How To Choose The Right Debt Fund To Invest In

If you’d like to invest in a real estate debt fund, choosing the right fund is your first step towards capitalizing on the opportunities presented by real estate debt investing. Here’s a quick guide:

1. Does the fund align with your investment objectives and risk tolerance?
Evaluate the investment strategy and focus of the debt fund, for example some funds focus on a particular niche in the real estate market like residential or commercial real estate projects, or construction loans. Check whether this aligns with your goals and propensity for risk, before you consider a debt fund.

2. Does the fund manager have a solid track record and reputation?
Finding a real estate debt fund that is managed by a reputable fund manager, with a successful track record, is likely to earn you the best returns. A fund manager that has a proven history of successful lending is more likely to have a thorough understanding of the market and its dynamics. They will therefore be able to navigate market shifts more successfully and are likely to ensure that returns on the fund are higher.

3. What is the loan portfolio composition?
The loan portfolio provided by the debt fund should be considered closely. A portfolio that is well diversified can help mitigate some of the risks associated with real estate projects, and funds can be spread across a variety of real estate assets such as construction loans. You should look at geographic diversification, property types, and loan terms when you’re considering the risk spread.

4. Does the fund provide transparency and disclose all information?
Real estate debt funds that are clear and transparent with their information are usually the best option. The fund should provide documents with their offering, which include private placement memorandum (PPM) and subscription agreement. Funds should provide enough information that you can easily determine their fees, terms and potential risks.

5. What are the fees?
Each debt fund will have fees associated with it, so it’s important to consider how much the fees are and what the payment structure is. Common fees to expect include management fees, performance fees and other expenses. Consider how these fees may impact your overall investment and make sure to compare them with other funds.

In a nutshell, choosing the right real estate debt fund for real estate debt investing requires careful consideration of factors such as investment strategy, track record, risk management practices, transparency, fees, liquidity, and investor alignment. By conducting thorough due diligence and evaluating these key factors, you can select a debt fund that aligns with your investment objectives and helps you to achieve your financial goals.

Please Note – If you’re interested in investing in a real estate debt fund, New Silver lending is currently accepting investors for its own income fund product. It is currently targeting returns of 15 – 20% per annum. You can learn more here.