Studio Apartment vs One-Bedroom Apartment

Studio Apartment vs One-Bedroom Apartment

December 21, 2021

Produced by:
Richard Stevens

Richard Stevens is an active real estate investor with over 8 years of industry experience. He specializes in researching topics that appeal to real estate investors and building calculators that can help property investors understand the expected costs and returns when executing real estate deals.

If you’re looking to rent an apartment, you’ll likely come across both studio apartments and one-bedroom apartments. While they both serve the same purpose, providing room for one person or a couple, they have vast differences.

Key Points

What is a Studio Apartment?

A studio apartment is an apartment where everything is in one space. There aren’t defined areas for the bedroom or kitchen. Everything is in one big open space that offers little room for privacy, but if you live alone, it’s not a big deal.

What is a One-Bedroom Apartment?

A one-bedroom apartment has a distinct sleeping area that is separate from the living area. There are walls dividing the bedroom from the rest of the apartment, unlike a studio apartment.

A one-bedroom apartment may have a kitchen that’s separate from the rest of the home or a more open feeling, similar to a studio apartment but with a secluded bedroom.

What are the Differences Between a Studio and One-Bedroom Apartment?

The main difference between a studio and one-bedroom apartment is the bedroom. While both apartments have sleeping areas, one is predetermined and secluded while the other is more open and almost any area can be used as the sleeping area.

Other main differences between a studio and one-bedroom apartment include:

  • Studio apartments don’t need as much furniture as a one-bedroom apartment. Everything is one area in the studio which means most of the area serves double the purpose.
  • One-bedroom apartments have more room for storage. If you have a lot of belongings or items you need to store out of the way, it may be difficult in a studio apartment.
  • Studio apartments don’t provide privacy. If you’re a couple or you have a roommate, it may be hard for either of you to get privacy when everything is in one space. With a bedroom, one of you can retreat to the bedroom with a closed door to provide some privacy.
  • Studios are typically smaller than one-bedroom apartments. Since there aren’t rooms or ‘dividers’ there is less space in a studio. For some people, this is a good thing because less space means less cost and less room for clutter. If you have a lot of belongings or need your space, though, it could be a downside.
  • It’s hard to entertain in a studio apartment. If you have guests over often, it could be hard to have everyone feel comfortable when your bed is in the middle of the living space.

Why are One-Bedroom Apartments more Expensive?

By default, most one-bedroom apartments are more expensive than a studio apartment because of the size. One-bedroom apartments are generally larger than studios and more space equals more cost.

It’s also more expensive to maintain and keep a one-bedroom apartment comfortable. There’s more electricity needed, more heating and cooling, and more areas to light up.

A one-bedroom apartment also has more space to furnish. With a studio apartment, your bed takes up much of the area, so you don’t need a lot of other furniture. Chances are you won’t have a kitchen table and living room furniture, for example, so it can cost less.

A one-bedroom apartment has a separate sleeping area that’s larger than the area you’d have in a studio. You’d need to pay for a bed, and likely a dresser or other furniture to fill up the bedroom. You’d likely also want furniture to fill up the kitchen and living area.

Rent and keeping up/furnishing a one-bedroom apartment costs more than a studio apartment in most cases. The only exception would be if you found a large studio apartment that measured larger than a one-bedroom, then it might cost more.

Is a Studio Apartment Cheaper than a One-Bedroom Apartment?

In most cases, a studio apartment is cheaper than a one-bedroom apartment if you compare the rent costs side-by-side. Looking at the overall costs, a studio is usually cheaper than a one-bedroom apartment simply because it’s smaller.

There are exceptions to the rule, of course. You can find a more expensive studio apartment, or you can spend more furnishing a studio than a one-bedroom if you don’t keep track of your spending.

Reasons to Choose a Studio Apartment

What is a Studio Apartment_

Many people prefer a studio apartment. They have their charm and are more affordable than a one-bedroom apartment. Here are other reasons to consider a studio apartment:

Lower cost

Studio apartments usually cost less than a one-bedroom apartment and are a perfect choice for first-time renters. The lower rent leaves you more money for the daily cost of living.

Great for one person

If you live alone and don’t entertain often, there’s little reason to pay the extra money for a one-bedroom apartment. You have everything you need in one place.

Needs less furniture

With less space, there’s less to furnish. You can save money furnishing your place. The apartment may also feel ‘homier’ because you don’t have as much space to fill up.

Utilities cost less

With less space to live, there’s less space to heat up or cool down. Even if your utilities are included in your rent, you’ll pay less rent as a result.

Reasons to Choose a One-Bedroom Apartment

What is a One-Bedroom Apartment

Sometimes a one-bedroom apartment has more appeal, especially if you need more room or need privacy.

You want privacy

The largest reason to choose a one-bedroom apartment is for privacy. You can close yourself off in the bedroom and have privacy without everyone in the apartment knowing what you’re doing.

You work from home

If you work from home, it can get exhausting to live, eat, sleep, and work in the same area all day. Change is good, and a one-bedroom apartment provides that change. Whether you work in the living space or the bedroom, you always have an area to retreat to for a break.

You entertain often

It’s hard to entertain in a studio apartment. Most people won’t feel comfortable being entertained while sitting on your bed, versus a couch in a living area.

You have the money for the higher rent

One-bedroom apartments have much higher rent and utility costs. If you can afford it in your budget, it can be worth it, but make sure before you commit.

Final Thoughts

When you’re looking for an apartment, understand the difference between the studio and one-bedroom apartment options. Weigh the pros and cons of each and decide which works best for you.

Start with the financial standpoint of both options, but also look at the amenities, room, and needs of each option. Look at the big picture and think of your longer-term needs too if you’re signing a longer lease.

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